How to deploy pyside2 applications? - The Qt way

There is currently no Qt way to deploy PySide2 applications (and I do not think there will be any at least in the near future)

On this subject there are the following reports: PYSIDE-901, PYSIDE-913, in it this points out that possibly for Qt for Python 5.13 the documentation will be updated and there will be a section for the deployment. You can see the progress here.

See Deployment

In it 3 options to do deployment:

The options for a project are:

  1. Sending a normal zip-file with the application's content.
  2. Building a proper Python package(wheel):
  3. Freezing the application in a single binary file, or into a directory.

And of the third method they comment on the pro and against of the tools like PyInstaller, cx_Freeze, py2exe and py2app indicating in the end that the best options for them is cx_Freeze or Pyinstaller. There is also another interesting tool that is the fbs project(based on Pyinstaller).

In my personal opinion I would choose fbs because it offers a simple way to package projects based on PyQt5 or PySide2