How to delete trigger in SQL Server?

I can Drop a Trigger with the Following Query

DROP TRIGGER [Trigger_Name]


DROP TRIGGER Trigger_Update

Hope this Must helpfull...


Removes one or more triggers from the current database...

You can remove a trigger by dropping it or by dropping the trigger table. When a table is dropped, all associated triggers are also dropped. When a trigger is dropped, information about the trigger is removed from the sysobjects and syscomments system tables.

Use DROP TRIGGER and CREATE TRIGGER to rename a trigger. Use ALTER TRIGGER to change the definition of a trigger...

For SQL Server 2016 and above

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS [dbo].[trg] ON [dbo].[Table]

To drop a trigger, this works:

DROP TRIGGER [trigger_name];  

If you want to check weather trigger exist before a drop, then use:

SELECT * FROM [sys].[triggers] WHERE [name] = 'MyTrigger'

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