How to delete property from spread operator?

You could use Rest syntax in Object Destructuring to get all the properties except drugName to a rest variable like this:

const transformedResponse = [{
    drugStrength: '5MG-1.5MG',
    drugForm: 'TABLET',
    brand: false
    drugName: 'HYDROCODONE ABC',
    drugStrength: '10MG',
    drugForm: 'SYRUP',
    brand: true

const output ={ drugName, }) => rest)


Also, when you spread an array inside {}, you get an object with indices of the array as key and the values of array as value. This is why you get an object with 0 as key in loggerResponse:

const array = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]
console.log({ ...array })

Another option is to write a generic function, removeKey -

const removeKey = (k, { [k]:_, ...o }) =>

const values =
  [ { a: 1, x: 1 }
  , { a: 1, y: 1 }
  , { a: 1, z: 1 }

console .log (values .map (v => removeKey ("a", v)))
// [ { x: 1 }, { y: 1 }, { z: 1 } ]

The function can be easily adapted to remove multiple keys, if necessary -

const removeKey = (k = "", { [k]:_, ...o } = {}) =>

const removeKeys = (keys = [], o = {}) =>
  keys .reduce ((r, k) => removeKey (k, r), o)

const values =
  [ { a: 1, x: 1 }
  , { a: 1, y: 1 }
  , { a: 1, z: 1 }

console .log (values .map (v => removeKeys (['a', 'z'], v)))
// [ { x: 1 }, { y: 1 }, {} ]

1 line solution using ES9 Object Rest Operator

const loggerResponse = {
  "0": {
    isBrand: false,
    drugName: "test drug",
    drugStrength: "5 mg 1 5 mg",
    drugForm: "Tablet",
const { drugName, ...newResponse } = loggerResponse["0"];