How to deal with SQL column names that look like SQL keywords?

These are the two ways to do it:

  1. Use back quote as here:

SELECT `from` FROM TableName

  1. You can mention with table name as:

SELECT TableName.from FROM TableName

While you are doing it - alias it as something else (or better yet, use a view or an SP and deprecate the old direct access method).

SELECT [from] AS TransferFrom -- Or something else more suitable
FROM TableName

If it had been in PostgreSQL, use double quotes around the name, like:

select "from" from "table";

Note: Internally PostgreSQL automatically converts all unquoted commands and parameters to lower case. That have the effect that commands and identifiers aren't case sensitive. sEleCt * from tAblE; is interpreted as select * from table;. However, parameters inside double quotes are used as is, and therefore ARE case sensitive: select * from "table"; and select * from "Table"; gets the result from two different tables.

Wrap the column name in brackets like so, from becomes [from].

select [from] from table;

It is also possible to use the following (useful when querying multiple tables):

select table.[from] from table;



Sql Server