How to deactivate or override the Android "BACK" button, in Flutter?

As Rémi Rousselet pointed out, WillPopScope is usually the way to go. However, if you are developing a stateful widget that should react to the back button directly, you may use this:

Note: I am the author of this package.

You can use Future.value(bool) to handle the back button.

bool _allow = true;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return WillPopScope(
    child: Scaffold(appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Back"))),
    onWillPop: () {
      return Future.value(_allow); // if true allow back else block it

The answer is WillPopScope. It will prevent the page from being popped by the system. You'll still be able to use Navigator.of(context).pop()

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return new WillPopScope(
    onWillPop: () async => false,
    child: new Scaffold(
      appBar: new AppBar(
        title: new Text("data"),
        leading: new IconButton(
          icon: new Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
          onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(),

While Remi's answer is right, usually you don't want to simply block the back button but want a user to confirm the exit.

You can do it similar way by getting an answer from the confirmation dialog, because onWillPop is a future.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return WillPopScope(
    child: Scaffold(...),
    onWillPop: () => showDialog<bool>(
      context: context,
      builder: (c) => AlertDialog(
        title: Text('Warning'),
        content: Text('Do you really want to exit'),
        actions: [
            child: Text('Yes'),
            onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(c, true),
            child: Text('No'),
            onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(c, false),

