How to customize Bash command completion?

Completion of the command (along with other things) is handled via bash readline completion. This operates at a slightly lower level than the usual "programmable completion" (which is invoked only when the command is identified, and the two special cases you identified above).

Update: the new release of bash-5.0 (Jan 2019) adds complete -I for exactly this problem.

The relevant readline commands are:

complete (TAB)
       Attempt to perform completion on the text  before  point.   Bash
       attempts completion treating the text as a variable (if the text
       begins with $), username (if the text begins with  ~),  hostname
       (if  the  text begins with @), or command (including aliases and
       functions) in turn.  If none of these produces a match, filename
       completion is attempted.

complete-command (M-!)
       Attempt  completion  on  the text before point, treating it as a
       command name.  Command completion attempts  to  match  the  text
       against   aliases,   reserved   words,  shell  functions,  shell
       builtins, and finally executable filenames, in that order.

In a similar way to the more common complete -F, some of this can be handed over to a function by using bind -x.

function _complete0 () {
    local -a _cmds
    local -A _seen
    local _path=$PATH _ii _xx _cc _cmd _short
    local _aa=( ${READLINE_LINE} )

    if [[ -f ~/.complete.d/"${_aa[0]}" && -x  ~/.complete.d/"${_aa[0]}" ]]; then
        ## user-provided hook
        _cmds=( $( ~/.complete.d/"${_aa[0]}" ) )
    elif [[ -x  ~/.complete.d/DEFAULT ]]; then
        _cmds=( $( ~/.complete.d/DEFAULT ) )
        ## compgen -c for default "command" complete 
        _cmds=( $(PATH=$_path compgen -o bashdefault -o default -c ${_aa[0]}) )  

    ## remove duplicates, cache shortest name
    _cc=${#_cmds[*]} # NB removing indexes inside loop
    for (( _ii=0 ; _ii<$_cc ; _ii++ )); do
        [[ -n "${_seen[$_cmd]}" ]] && unset _cmds[$_ii]
        (( ${#_short} > ${#_cmd} )) && _short="$_cmd"
    _cmds=( "${_cmds[@]}" )  ## recompute contiguous index

    ## find common prefix
    declare -a _prefix=()
    for (( _xx=0; _xx<${#_short}; _xx++ )); do
        for (( _ii=0 ; _ii<${#_cmds[*]} ; _ii++ )); do
             [[ "${_cmd:$_xx:1}" != "${_prev:$_xx:1}" ]] && break
        [[ $_ii -eq ${#_cmds[*]} ]] && _prefix[$_xx]="${_cmd:$_xx:1}"
    printf -v _short "%s" "${_prefix[@]}"  # flatten 

    ## emulate completion list of matches
    if [[ ${#_cmds[*]} -gt 1 ]]; then
        for (( _ii=0 ; _ii<${#_cmds[*]} ; _ii++ )); do
            [[ -n "${_seen[$_cmds]}" ]] && printf "%-12s " "$_cmd" 
        done | sort | fmt -w $((COLUMNS-8)) | column -tx
        # fill in shortest match (prefix)
        printf -v READLINE_LINE "%s" "$_short"
    ## exactly one match
    if [[ ${#_cmds[*]} -eq 1 ]]; then
        printf -v READLINE_LINE "%s " "${_aa[@]}"
        : # nop

bind -x '"\C-i":_complete0'

This enables your own per-command or prefix string hooks in ~/.complete.d/. E.g. if you create an executable ~/.complete.d/loc with:

echo localc

This will do (roughly) what you expect.

The function above goes to some lengths to emulate the normal bash command completion behaviour, though it is imperfect (particularly the dubious sort | fmt | column carry-on to display a list of matches).

However, a non-trivial issue with this it can only use a function to replace the binding to the main complete function (invoked with TAB by default).

This approach would work well with a different key-binding used for just custom command completion, but it simply does not implement the full completion logic after that (e.g. later words in the command line). Doing so would require parsing the command line, dealing with cursor position, and other tricky things that probably should not be considered in a shell script...