How to create vertical and horizontal dotted lines in a matrix?

You can adjust the dash and gap of the \hdashline by modifying the lengths \dashlinedash and \dashlinegap:

enter image description here



  \leftidx{_{m-r}^{\phantom{m-r}\llap{$\scriptstyle r$}}}{\left( \begin{array}{c:c}
    \smash{\overset{r}{B}} & \mathclap{\smash{\overset{n-r}{C}}} \\
    D & E
  \end{array} \right)}{}

  ABC & DEF \\

The default for both of the lengths is 4pt.

Since revtex4 seems to be incompatible with the arydshln package, here's an option using TikZ:



  matrix of math nodes,
  column sep=1ex,
] (m)
B & C \\
D & E \\
  ([xshift=0.5ex]m-1-1.north east) -- ([xshift=0.5ex]m-2-1.south east);
  (m-1-1.south west) -- (m-1-2.south east);
\node[above,text depth=1pt] at (m-1-1.north) {$\scriptstyle r$};  
\node[above,text depth=1pt] at (m-1-2.north) {$\scriptstyle n-r$};
\node[left,overlay] at ([xshift=-1.2ex]m-1-1.west) {$\scriptstyle r$};
\node[left,overlay] at ([xshift=-1.2ex]m-2-1.west) {$\scriptstyle n-r$};


enter image description here

This uses a stacking approach. This answer is helping me to think of ways to automate dotted/dashed lines as part of stacks, which in this MWE, had to be done very manually.

% From morsburg at
% how-can-i-make-a-horizontal-dashed-line/12553#12553
\def\dashfill{\cleaders\hbox to .5em{\rule{.4ex}{.4pt}}\hfill}
\newcommand\dashline[1]{\hbox to #1{\dashfill\hfil}}

enter image description here