How to create several pages with dompdf

Your loop is working fine. The way you add pages to your PDF is probably wrong. Apparently you are overwriting one page again and again instead of attaching a new one.


I've never used dompdf. A quick look into the docs let me think you create something like a HTML markup which then is converted into PDF, did I get this right?

Example code

$html = <<<HTML
            <style type="text/css">
                /* Your document styling goes here */

while ( $row = $dbResult->fetch_assoc() ) {
    $html .= '<div class="teacherPage">'
                 . $row['name'] // your teacher document goes here

$html .= '</body></html>';

$dompdf = new DOMPDF();

If you wonder about the unusual syntax $var = <<<HTML \r\nHTML, that's a heredoc. It's just more comfortable to use heredocs when you have a lot of alien inline code, this can have variables {$varname} and you don't need to worry about quotes. All you need to make sure, is that heredoc closer HTML is in a new line and not indented.


Still not too sure, which library you are using. I find this extension looking pretty good and it's called dompdf, just like you said in your question.

Your latest comment indicates you did not solve your problem so far, so I decided to add some more information to get you to the target.

Disclaimer: I am not going to write functional code and I will not test this, but the following hints will push you into the right direction to get your stuff done.

dompdf is able to read CSS2 and CSS3 properties of your input document.

Each cycle in the while loop above represents one teacher whith each of them getting a own page in the output document.

I put the page into a div container with the class teacherPage. You can fill this container with all the information you want to have displayed for a teacher.

Now all we need to do, is to tell dompdf each teacherPage is a new page. This can be done using @page markup shipped with CSS3

I added an empty css container <style type="text/css"></style> to the example document above, that's where the page styling should go to.

The example CSS

@page teacher {
  size: A4 portrait;
  margin: 2cm;

.teacherPage {
   page: teacher;
   page-break-after: always;

With @page you can define a named page teacher, which can have properties valid for the whole page container.

page-break-after: always will begin a new page after each container

Hope this helps, have fun trying :)

Apparently, no overflow problems and the results are taking more than the permitted margin of the sheet. What you can do is to separate data from the parent in another table and put between them:

<div style="page-break-before: always;"></div>