How to create rooms with nestjs and

By changing client: Client to socket: Socket you're able to use the socket object you are used to when using

Here is the edited function.

import { Socket } from '';
import { WsResponse } from '@nestjs/websockets';

createRoom(socket: Socket, data: string): WsResponse<unknown> {
  socket.join('aRoom');'aRoom').emit('roomCreated', {room: 'aRoom'});
  return { event: 'roomCreated', room: 'aRoom' };

With the latest Nest JS update you can use this code where the room name can be sent from the front-end and it will passed on to the 'data' variable:

  createRoom(@MessageBody() data: string, @ConnectedSocket() client: Socket) {
    client.join(data, err => {
      if (err) {