How to create recycler view in Compose Jetpack?

In jetnews sample project for list/recyclerview they are using VerticalScroller with Column and using forEach to populate items below @Composable function is example

private fun TabWithTopics(tabname: String, topics: List<String>) {
    VerticalScroller {
        Column {
            topics.forEach { topic ->
                        "- ",
                    ), topic

For class and method check this link

For more information you can download/clone jetnews sample from check here's link

For latest Jetpack alpha release update the below:

fun LazyRowItemsDemo() {
    LazyRowFor(items = (1..1000).toList()) {
        Text(text = "Item $it")
  1. LazyColumnFor for a vertical list
  2. LazyRowFor for a horizontal list

Hope it's helpful for you.

Examples from JetNews app have static data. It's worth to mention that according to the recent Google presentation (see especially from 18:30), we should consider ScrollingList, which is intended for list with undefined number of elements (e.g. downloaded from the web), what was traditionally handled by RecyclerView. Then, it should look like this:

fun NewsFeed(stories: List<StoryData>) {
  ScrollingList(stories) { story ->

or we can do similar thing with LiveData or RxJava Observable/Flowable:

fun NewsFeed(stories: LiveData<List<StoryData>>) {
  ScrollingList(stories.observe()) { story ->

In such case, we are re-using StoryWidget (or any other widget of our choice) in the every step of the iteration with data emitted dynamically through the lambda expression.

Update March 2021: Starting from 1.0.0-beta01

  • LazyColumn for a vertical list
  • LazyRow for a horizontal list

For example:

fun LazyRowItemsDemo() {
    LazyRow {
        items((1..1000).toList()) {
            Text(text = "Item $it")