How to create project in Julia and Juno?

If you're just looking for a simple way to get the equivalent of a Python virtual environment, where all your packages are contained to a project, here's how I'm currently doing it:

Setting up a new environment:

  1. mkdir myproject
  2. cd myproject
  3. julia
  4. ]
  5. activate . # Now it should say (myproject) pkg> as the prompt
  6. add DataFrames # (for example)
  7. Now two files will appear in myproject/
    1. Project.toml - lists all packages installed. Kind of like a requirements.txt file in Python
    2. Manifest.toml - lists all packages required/available in the project. More intense and complete than Project.toml.

Initializing an environment based on a Project.toml file:

  1. using Pkg
  2. Pkg.activate(".")
  3. Pkg.instantiate() # this will install the packages listed in Project.toml

(You can also use the ] method at the REPL)

Note that if you just do Pkg.activate() (no "."), then it activates the base environment. Usually you won't want to activate the base environment if you're trying to set up an environment specific to a certain project folder.

Yes - in Julia the concepts "project" and "package" are essentially synonymous - you'll follow the same folder structure, assign a license etc. Currently, the best way of starting a new project is to use the PkgTemplates.jl package ( To work with projects in Julia I'd greatly recommend reading the project documentation:

None of this is unfortunately implemented in Juno yet, but there is an open issue for it: