How to create an ISO image from a bunch of files on the file system?

Few quick steps:

  1. Boot up Linux.

  2. Go to a terminal screen. You can usually right click on the desktop and choose this option from the drop-down menu.

    3A. Type dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdrom_image.iso.


    3B. Type mkisofs -o /tmp/cd.iso /tmp/directory/ To make an ISO from files on your hard drive.

You must have permission to access the drive directly using dd. mount permissions are not necessarily the same as dd permissions! Also... when creating an ISO file, the device must not be mounted. To unmount the cdrom device, use the umount command as follows:

umount /dev/cdrom

You may also use sudo to ensure you have proper permissions, but this also means you must have sudo access on the system. Check the /etc/sudoers file for information.

It's easy to create ISO in terminal as described in other answers but there are some GUI options too, Like Brasero. If you don't already have it, you can install it using:

sudo apt install brasero

How can I create ISO images with Brasero?

  • Hit the Super key (Windows key) and search for "brasero" and open it.

  • Click on the Data project button.

    enter image description here

  • Click on the green plus button in the upper left corner in the toolbar to start adding files and directories to your image:

enter image description here

  • Enter the name of disc at the bottom to whatever you like.
  • Make sure no empty CD/DVD is in your optical drives and click on Burn.
  • Brasero will ask you for the location where you want to create ISO image, Give your desired location and click on Create Image. That's it!

If you want to burn that image to disc, Just right click on ISO image you just created and select "Open With Brasero Disc Burner". Select your optical drive and click Create Image.

enter image description here

Try This:

Go to the Terminal

Type genisoimage -o ~/backup.iso -V BACKUP -R -J ~/Documents

or, for more useful permissions, change -R to -r: genisoimage -o ~/backup.iso -V BACKUP -r -J ~/Documents

In this case Ubuntu will generate a file called "backup.iso" with all the contents in the Documents Folder.



Cd Image