How to create a table of signs

Not identical to your table, but still quite near.


% tkz-tab hardcodes $0$ for the zeros
% we want solid lines
\tikzset{t style/.style={style=solid}}


  { /.8, $3(x-2)^2$ /.8, $x+3$ /.8, $p(x)$ /.8}
  {,$-3$,$2$,} % four main references
\tkzTabLine {,+,t,+,z,+,} % seven denotations
\tkzTabLine {,-,z,+,t,+,}
\tkzTabLine {,-,z,+,z,+,}


enter image description here

enter image description here

above table is drawn with TikZ:

\documentclass[ tikz,


\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, 
             column sep=0cm, row sep=0pt,
     nodes={text width=15mm, align=center, 
            text height=3ex, text depth=1.5ex}]
3(x-2)^2    &   +   &   +   &   +   \\
(x+3)       &   -   &   +   &   +   \\
p(x)        &   -   &   +   &   +   \\
\foreach \i in {1, 2, 3}
\draw  (m-\i-1.north west) -- (m-\i-4.north east);
\draw  (m-1-\i.north east) -- (m-3-\i.south east);
\draw   (m-3-1.south west) -- (m-3-4.south east);
\node[above] at (m-1-2.north east) {$-3$};
\node[above] at (m-1-3.north east) {$2$};


If the n columns with the signs always have the same width, and always with n-1 headers, then a simple trick could be make a multicolumn cell with the headers spaced with \hfil:


\multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{$-3$ \hfil 2 \hfil } \\\hline
3(x-2)^2    &   +   &   +   &   +   \\\hline
(x+3)       &   -   &   +   &   +   \\\hline
p(x)        &   -   &   +   &   +   \\\hline