How to create a static web project in IntelliJ Idea 13?

For those using IntelliJ IDEA 14.x.x Community Edition, the "Static Web" option in Projects or Modules only seems to show up after the Phonegap/Cordova Plugin has been installed (Settings->Plugins->Browse repositories).

  • IDEA 12 Ultimate: "New Project" -> "Web Module"
  • IDEA 13 Ultimate: "New Project" -> "Static Web"
  • IDEA 14 Ultimate: "New Project" -> "Static Web"

Screenshot of New Project > Static Web dialog box

As Andrey mentioned, HTML+CSS+JS support is only provided in Idea Ultimate. No additional plugins have to be installed (unless you need Vue.js support or like to use Live Edit - these plugins, along with some others, are not bundled with Idea and have to be installed from the repository (Preferences | Plugins))

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2020.1

Entries named 'Static Web' in the File | New | Project.. dialog were renamed to 'JavaScript'.

For generic static Web projects, you need to select a new JavaScript project in this dialog.

enter image description here