How to create a RESTful Resource Controller in Laravel 5.2, using Artisan command (PHP)

Try getting help on the command

php artisan help make:controller

If you see a --resource flag in the help options you are probably on 5.2 or newer and can add that flag to the command to get a resource controller.

php artisan make:controller --resource SomeResourceController

For Laravel 5.0 and 5.1 the make:controller command would make a resource controller by default and the --plain option would make a plain controller.

Laravel 5.2 - Restful Resource Controllers - Default plain

Laravel 5.1 - Restful Resource Controllers - Default resource

Laravel 5.0 - Restful Resource Controllers - Default resource

Summary: from Laravel 5.2 onward the make:controller artisan command will create a plain controller by default.

For Laravel 5.2

php artisan make:controller NameofController --resource
// It will create the controller with all methods.

If Laravel < 5.2

php artisan make:controller NameofController
// It will create the controller with all methods.


php artisan make:controller NameofController --plain
// It will create the controller without any method.

For default controller which have all methods you want. php artisan make:controller LessonsController

If you want plain controller with no method php artisan make:controller --plain LessonsController