How to create a local development environment for Kubernetes?

I've just started with Skaffold

It's really useful to apply changes in the code automatically to a local cluster.

To deploy a local cluster, the best way is Minikube or just Docker for Mac and Windows, both includes a Kubernetes interface.

The sort of "hot reload" is something we have plans to add, but is not as easy as it could be today. However, if you're feeling adventurous you can use rsync with docker exec, kubectl exec, or osc exec (all do the same thing roughly) to sync a local directory into a container whenever it changes. You can use rsync with kubectl or osc exec like so:

# rsync using osc as netcat
$ rsync -av -e 'osc exec -ip test -- /bin/bash' mylocalfolder/ /tmp/remote/folder

Update (2016-07-15)

With the release of Kubernetes 1.3, Minikube is now the recommended way to run Kubernetes on your local machine for development.

You can run Kubernetes locally via Docker. Once you have a node running you can launch a pod that has a simple web server and mounts a volume from your host machine. When you hit the web server it will read from the volume and if you've changed the file on your local disk it can serve the latest version.

We've been working on a tool to do this. Basic idea is you have remote Kubernetes cluster, effectively a staging environment, and then you run code locally and it gets proxied to the remote cluster. You get transparent network access, environment variables copied over, access to volumes... as close as feasible to remote environment, but with your code running locally and under your full control.

So you can do live development, say. Docs at