Apple - How to create a keybinding using the [fn] key as a modifier?

I installed a third party utility to remap these keys on my MacBook Pro running OS X 10.8. Here are the steps I used:

(1) Download and install

(2) Edit (or create) the following file in a text editor:

~/Library/Application Support/KeyRemap4MacBook/private.xml that its content is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <name>JKLI to Arrow Keys</name>
            KeyCode::J, ModifierFlag::FN,
            KeyCode::K, ModifierFlag::FN,
            KeyCode::L, ModifierFlag::FN,
            KeyCode::I, ModifierFlag::FN,

(3) Select "Preferences" from the little KeyRemap4MacBook icon in the OS X MenuBar at the top of the screen.

KeyRemap4MacBook > Preferences

(4) In KeyRemap4MacBook's "Change Key" tab, tick "JKLI to Arrow Keys". (if this option doesn't appear, you may need to click the "ReloadXML" button)

KeyRemap4MacBook > Change Key

You should now be able to use the Function key with J|K|L|I to control the cursor, in addition to the Arrow keys.

You are correct. Although Mac OS X allows you to remap the control, caps lock, option, and command keys, the fn key is not included. To do this, you'll need to use 3rd-party software such as DoubleCommand. That will let you remap the fn key to the control key.

From there, you should check out additional software to remap the control+J key etc. to emulate the left key etc. So long as you can emulate ctrl, you should be able to create the keybinding in ~/Library/KeyBindings. You might be able to do this last step in DoubleCommand as well.

