How to Copy/Paste From Mathematica into Excel

I usually do something like:


with the table in the variable myTable.

surprisingly simple.. use TableForm or MatrixForm

 {{1, 2}, {3, 4}} // TableForm

Then select the data, right-click, "copy as" "plain text" and paste into an excel cell.

If you have a MatrixForm be sure to select only the data, not the brackets.

Nothing beats ExcelLink for interacting with Excel. I even figured out how to load Excel files that exceeded the Java Virtual Heap size limit using ExcelLink (Importing a large Excel file). That problem may have gone away in 11.3, but it shows kind of things you can do with it. Of course, you do have to buy ExcelLink, but I couldn't live without it.

I have to admit that Sjoerd's trick is neat.

