How to copy multiple files and keep the folder structure with Gulp

To achieve this please specify base.

¶ base - Specify the folder relative to the cwd. Default is where the glob begins. This is used to determine the file names when saving in .dest()

In your case it would be:

  return gulp.src([
  ],  {base: './source/'}) 

Folder structure:

├── gulpfile.js
├── source
│   ├── css
│   └── other
│       └── css
└── public
    └── assets

I use gulp-flatten and use this configuration:

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    gulpFlatten = require('gulp-flatten');

var routeSources = {
  dist:  './public/',
  app: './app/',
  html_views: {
    path: 'app/views/**/*.*',
    dist: 'public/views/'

gulp.task('copy-html-views', task_Copy_html_views);
function task_Copy_html_views() {
  return gulp.src([routeSources.html_views.path])
      .pipe(gulpFlatten({ includeParents: 1 }))

And there you can see the documentation about gulp-flatten: Link