How to convert MySQL TIMESTAMP to date time in PHP

To do this the OO (and most flexible) way use DateTime class and use the static createFromFormat method to instantiate a new DateTime object:

$new_datetime = DateTime::createFromFormat ( "Y-m-d H:i:s", $row["timestamp"] );

Now you can use the $new_datetime object to generate any string representation you'd like by calling the object's format method:

echo $new_datetime->format('d/m/y, H:i:s');

To boot, you since you've a DateTime object you can now also to any manner of transformation (like shifting timezones or adding days), comparison (greater or less than another DateTime), and various time calculations (how many days/months/etc... between this and another DateTime).

DateTime: Learn it. Love it. Live it.

Normally in MySQL date timestamp save time as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (2016-12-20 18:36:14) formate you can easily convert them as your wish using date formate but have to convert your input to time first. Following will do the trick

$formatted_datetime = date("d/m/y, H:i:s", strtotime($row["timestamp"]));

Why not make MySQL do the work? And do you really want mm/dd/yy, not dd/mm/yy?

SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(timestamp, '%m/%d/%y, %T') formatted_date FROM ....

Then you can extract the formatted date as $row['formatted_date'].
