How to convert json array into postgres int array in postgres 9.3

These two functions (for json/jsonb) modified from a fantastic answer to this question work perfectly

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION json_array_castint(json) RETURNS int[] AS $f$
    SELECT array_agg(x)::int[] || ARRAY[]::int[] FROM json_array_elements_text($1) t(x);

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION jsonb_array_castint(jsonb) RETURNS int[] AS $f$
    SELECT array_agg(x)::int[] || ARRAY[]::int[] FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($1) t(x);

You can use them as follows:

SELECT json_array_castint('[1,2,3]')

Which gives the expected return {1,2,3} as in integer[]. If you wonder why I'm concatenating with an empty array in each of the SELECT statement it's because the cast is lossy and without it, if you try to cast an empty json/jsonb array to an integer[] you'll get no return (not desired) instead of an empty array (as expected). With the above method when you do

SELECT json_array_castint('[]')

You'll get {} instead of nothing. See here for more on why I added that.

I would go a bit simpler:

select * from
select, value::text::int as bookvalue
  from testjson t, json_array_elements(>'bookIds')
) as t
where bookvalue in (1,11)

See it working here:!15/e69aa/37

The setup in the question should look like this:

create table a_table (id int, data json);
insert into a_table values
(1, '{"bookIds": [1,2,3,5], "storeIds": [2,3]}'), 
(2, '{"bookIds": [4,5,6,7], "storeIds": [1,3]}'),
(3, '{"bookIds": [11,12,10,9], "storeIds": [4,3]}');

Note the proper syntax of json values.

You can use the function json_array_elements()

select id, array_agg(e::text::int)
from a_table, json_array_elements(data->'bookIds') e
group by 1
order by 1;

 id |  array_agg   
  1 | {1,2,3,5}
  2 | {4,5,6,7}
  3 | {11,12,10,9}
(3 rows)    

Use any() to search for an element in the arrays, e.g.:

select *
from (
    select id, array_agg(e::text::int) arr
    from a_table, json_array_elements(data->'bookIds') e
    group by 1
    ) s
    1 = any(arr) or
    11 = any(arr);

 id |     arr      
  1 | {1,2,3,5}
  3 | {11,12,10,9}
(2 rows)

Read also about <@ operator.

You can also search in json array (without converting it to int array) by examine its elements, e.g.:

select t.*
from a_table t, json_array_elements(data->'bookIds') e
where e::text::int in (1, 11);

 id |                     data                      
  1 | {"bookIds" : [1,2,3,5], "storeIds": [2,3]}
  3 | {"bookIds" : [11,12,10,9], "storeIds": [4,3]}
(2 rows)

In my case I had to cast json data stored in a table col to pg array format and this was handy :

-- username is the table column, which has values like ["john","pete","kat"]

select id, ARRAY(SELECT json_array_elements_text((username)::json)) usernames
from public.table-name;

-- this produces : {john,pete,kat}