How to convert ed25519 private key to putty ppk?

The command in the above answer is just printing public key portion in RFC4716 format.

At some point, ssh-keygen generates openssh private key which doesn't use cipher supported by puttygen.

ssh-keygen doesn't provide option to specify cipher name to encrypt the resulting openssh private key.

There is a workaround: remove the passphrase from the key before importing into puttygen.

$ cp ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-for-putty

$ ssh-keygen -p -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-for-putty
Enter old passphrase: <your passphrase>
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <press Enter>
Enter same passphrase again: <press Enter>

Then, use puttygen to convert ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-for-putty into .ppk and set the passphrase from puttygen.

Don't forget to shred and remove ~/.ssh_id_ed25519-for-putty afterwards for obvious reason.

You need to export the key into RFC4716 format before importing the key into puttygen

$ ssh-keygen -e -m RFC4716 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 > ~/.ssh/exported_id_ed25519

Then, import the resulting exported_id_ed25519 into puttygen and convert the key into .ppk

Update 2019-03-20: supports these keys

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f test-key-for-stackoverflow

puttygen 0.71 importing an ed25519 key successfully

At the time of writing this, the puttygen snapshot from seems to support these keys where 0.70 did not. It's not explicitly mentioned in the changelog.

I tested Development snapshot 2019-01-17.53747ad