How to convert decimal to fractions?

You should find the greatest common divisor of the resulted numbers and divide the numerator and denominator by it.

Here is one way to do it:

public class Rational {

    private int num, denom;

    public Rational(double d) {
        String s = String.valueOf(d);
        int digitsDec = s.length() - 1 - s.indexOf('.');
        int denom = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < digitsDec; i++) {
            d *= 10;    
            denom *= 10;

        int num = (int) Math.round(d);
        int g = gcd(num, denom);
        this.num = num / g;
        this.denom = denom /g;

    public Rational(int num, int denom) {
        this.num = num;
        this.denom = denom;

    public String toString() {
        return String.valueOf(num) + "/" + String.valueOf(denom);

    public static int gcd(int num, int denom) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(new Rational(1.5));

static private String convertDecimalToFraction(double x){
    if (x < 0){
        return "-" + convertDecimalToFraction(-x);
    double tolerance = 1.0E-6;
    double h1=1; double h2=0;
    double k1=0; double k2=1;
    double b = x;
    do {
        double a = Math.floor(b);
        double aux = h1; h1 = a*h1+h2; h2 = aux;
        aux = k1; k1 = a*k1+k2; k2 = aux;
        b = 1/(b-a);
    } while (Math.abs(x-h1/k1) > x*tolerance);

    return h1+"/"+k1;

I got this answer from here. All I had to do is convert his answer to java.