How to convert date to the first day of month in a PySpark Dataframe column?

You can use trunc:

import pyspark.sql.functions as f

df.withColumn("first_date", f.trunc("date", "month")).show()

|      date|first_date|

You can get the beginning of the month with the trunc function (as Alper) mentioned or with the date_trunc method. The trunc function returns a date column and the date_trunc function returns a time column. Suppose you have the following DataFrame:

| some_date|
|      null|

Run the trunc and date_trunc functions:

  .withColumn("beginning_of_month_date", trunc(col("some_date"), "month"))\
  .withColumn("beginning_of_month_time", date_trunc("month" ,col("some_date")))\

Observe the result:

| some_date|beginning_of_month_date|beginning_of_month_time|
|2017-11-25|             2017-11-01|    2017-11-01 00:00:00|
|2017-12-21|             2017-12-01|    2017-12-01 00:00:00|
|2017-09-12|             2017-09-01|    2017-09-01 00:00:00|
|      null|                   null|                   null|

Print the schema to confirm the column types:

 |-- some_date: date (nullable = true)
 |-- beginning_of_month_date: date (nullable = true)
 |-- beginning_of_month_time: timestamp (nullable = true)

Scala users should use the beginningOfMonthDate and beginningOfMonthTime functions defined in spark-daria.

PySpark users should use the beginning_of_month_date and beginning_of_month_time functions defined in quinn.

Notice how the trunc function takes the column argument first and the date_trunc takes the column argument second. The trunc method is poorly named - it's part of the functions package, so it's easy to mistakenly think this function is for string truncation. It's surprising that date_trunc is returning a timestamp result... sounds like it should return a date result.

Just make sure to wrap these functions with descriptive function / UDF names so your code is readable. See here for more info.