How to convert a type-erased list to an array in Kotlin?

To understand why this happens I recommend reading Difference between List and Array types in Kotlin and Java Practices -> Prefer Collections over older classes.

In general I recommend using lists instead of arrays but if you want to convert a type-erased list to an array in Kotlin the easiest way to do so is first mapping to a typed list and then converting to a typed array: { it as String }.toTypedArray()

If you don't actually need an array but a typed list will do then you can simply map the type-erased list to a typed list: { it as String }

If you find yourself often converting a type-erased list to an array and performance matters then I recommend creating a map function optimized for doing this while avoiding an intermediary list:

inline fun <T, reified R> List<T>.mapToTypedArray(transform: (T) -> R): Array<R> {
    return when (this) {
        is RandomAccess -> Array(size) { index -> transform(this[index]) }
        else -> with(iterator()) { Array(size) { transform(next()) } }

You can then efficiently convert a List<*> to a typed array:

list.mapToTypedArray { it as String }

Problem here, is that you actually trying cast Object[] to String[] in terms of Java, or Array<Any> to Array<String> in terms of Kotlin, but this is different objects.

So, this statement:


returns Array<Any?>, and then you trying to cast it to Array<String> and get ClassCastException.

How to fix?

I suggest pass type parameter itself, and cast List:

inline fun <reified T> toArray(list: List<*>): Array<T> {
    return (list as List<T>).toTypedArray()

toArray<String>(listOf("1", "2"))