How to convert a number into a formatted string?

The format method automatically does the commas and periods or visa versa (depending on whether your profile is in the US or elsewhere)

Assuming the $ sign applies to all cases in your org you can simply use

Decimal input = 2000;
String output = '$' + String.valueOf(input.format());

Note the String.valueOf(). This is required because the input variable is defined as a Decimal.

Edit: I noticed a bug with the Decimal.format() method where it will not show any numbers past the decimal point if there are only zeros there, ex. $100.00. To solve this I came up with this method.

private String getCents(Decimal x){
    String y = String.valueOf(x);
    String z = '.';
    if(y.contains(',')) z = ',';
    y = y.substring(0, y.indexOf(z));
    if(x - Decimal.valueOf(y) == 0)
        return String.valueOf(x.format()) + z + '00';
    else return String.valueOf(x.format());

Then to update the example above, it would be:

Decimal input = 2000;
String output = '$' + getCents(input);

This should work, if its until 2 decimals:

Decimal dec;
String amount;
if (!string.valueof(dec.format()).right(3).contains('.')){
    amount = '$' + string.valueof(dec.format()) + '.00';
}else if (string.valueof(dec.format()).right(2).contains('.')){
    amount = '$' + string.valueof(dec.format()) + '0';
}else {
    amount = '$' + string.valueof(dec.format());