How to connect Node Sequelize to Amazon RDS MySQL with Multi-AZ probably

The previous answer didn't work for me, after some research, this options object did:

var options = {
  port: settings.database.port,
  logging: console.log,
  maxConcurrentQueries: 100,
  dialect: 'mysql',
  ssl: 'Amazon RDS',
  pool: { maxConnections: 5, maxIdleTime: 30 },
  language: 'en',

I'm running a RDS MySQL and a EC2 instance in the same default VPC, this options object worked when connecting a node app from that EC2 with the RDS using sequelize.

Here is how i got connected with my RDS:

 var config = require(__dirname + '/../config/config.json')[env];
 // your config file will be in your directory
 var sequelize = new Sequelize(config.database, config.username, config.password, {
    host: '****.****',
    port: 5432,
    logging: console.log,
    maxConcurrentQueries: 100,
    dialect: 'postgres',
    dialectOptions: {
        ssl:'Amazon RDS'
    pool: { maxConnections: 5, maxIdleTime: 30},
    language: 'en'