How to connect Django to a mysql database over an ssl connection?

Django uses the Python MySQLdb library to interface with MySQL. Looking at the MySQLdb connection documentation, it looks like the ssl option requires a dictionary argument. So this might work:

'OPTIONS': {'ssl': {'key': '/map/to/ca-cert.pem'}}

The MySQL client must be provided with three keys:

  • CA cert
  • client cert
  • client key

See the MySQL documentation for the instructions for creating these keys and setting up the server.

NOTE: There is an open issue that seems to be related to using openssl v1.0.1 to create the certificates for mysql 5.5.x

This is an example entry for the Django settings file:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',  
        'NAME': '<DATABASE NAME>',                     
        'USER': '<USER NAME>',
        'PASSWORD': '<PASSWORD>',
        'HOST': '<HOST>', 
        'PORT': '3306',
        'OPTIONS':  {
            'ssl': {'ca': '<PATH TO CA CERT>',
            'cert': '<PATH TO CLIENT CERT>',
            'key': '<PATH TO CLIENT KEY>'



