How to config intellij-idea not format some part of the code?

In my version EAP 13.1, you must enable the following option in settings,

Preferences -> Code Style -> General -> Formatter Control -> Enable formatter markers in comments

before you can use these comments,

// @formatter:off

// @formatter:on 

or these (depending on language):




Screenshot highlighting the checkbox for Enable formatter markers in comments under Preferences

It's worth noting that the formatter control does not appear to work in javadoc comments. It needs to be either in a regular C or C++-style comment. So // @formatter:off works /* @formatter:off */ also works, but /** @formatter:off */ does not.

This feature has been implemented and you can now disable formatting for the regions of code using the special comments.


After enabling this feature in the settings, add //@formatter:off at the start of your region, and //@formatter:on at the end of it.

These are the default markers, and they are configurable.

You can find more details and examples in the documentation:

  • Skipping a region when reformatting source code
  • Example of using formatting markers

Original answer from 2012:

It's not possible yet, please vote for this feature request:

  • IDEA-56995 Disable code formatting per region using comments

Since EAP 13 you can trigger the formatter with the following comments:

// @formatter:off
// @formatter:on 

To enable it in "surround with", you can define a Live Template in the section "surround" with:

// @formatter:off
// @formatter:off

You can find these settings in Settings -> Code Style -> General and set your own trigger words.