How to combine two __m128 values to __m256?

Even this one will work:

__m128 a = _mm_set_ps(1,2,3,4);
__m128 b = _mm_set_ps(5,6,7,8);

__m256 c = _mm256_insertf128_ps(c,a,0);
c = _mm256_insertf128_ps(c,b,1);

You will get a warning as c is not initialized but you can ignore it and if you're looking for performances this solution will use less clock cycle then the other one.

Intel documents __m256 _mm256_set_m128(__m128 hi, __m128 lo) and _mm256_setr_m128(lo, hi) as intrinsics for the vinsertf128 instruction, which is what you want1. (Of course there are also __m256d and __m256i versions, which use the same instruction. The __m256i version may use vinserti128 if AVX2 is available, otherwise it'll use f128 as well.)

These days, those intrinsics are supported by current versions of all 4 major x86 compilers (gcc, clang, MSVC, and ICC). But not by older versions; like some other helper intrinsics that Intel documents, widespread implementation has been slow. (Often GCC or clang are the last hold-out to not have something you wish you could use portably.)

Use it if you don't need portability to old GCC versions: it's the most readable way to express what you want, following the well known _mm_set and _mm_setr patterns.

Performance-wise, it's of course just as efficient as manual cast + vinsertf128 intrinsics (@Mysticial's answer), and for gcc at least that's literally how the internal .h actually implements _mm256_set_m128.

Compiler version support for _mm256_set_m128 / _mm256_setr_m128:

  • clang: 3.6 and newer. (Mainline, IDK about Apple)
  • GCC: 8.x and newer, not present as recently as GCC7!
  • ICC: since at least ICC13, the earliest on Godbolt.
  • MSVC: since at least 19.14 and 19.10 (WINE) VS2015, the earliest on Godbolt. has test cases for all 4 compilers.

__m256 combine_testcase(__m128 hi, __m128 lo) {
    return _mm256_set_m128(hi, lo);

They all compile this function to one vinsertf128, except MSVC where even the latest version wastes a vmovups xmm2, xmm1 copying a register. (I used -O2 -Gv -arch:AVX to use the vectorcall convention so args would be in registers to make an efficient non-inlined function definition possible for MSVC.) Presumably MSVC would be ok inlining into a larger function if it could write the result to a 3rd register, instead of the calling convention forcing it to read xmm0 and write ymm0.

Footnote 1:
vinsertf128 is very efficient on Zen1, and as efficient as vperm2f128 on other CPUs with 256-bit-wide shuffle units. It can also take the high half from memory in case the compiler spilled it or is folding a _mm_loadu_ps into it, instead of needing to separately do a 128-bit load into a register; vperm2f128's memory operand would be a 256-bit load which you don't want. /

This should do what you want:

__m128 a = _mm_set_ps(1,2,3,4);
__m128 b = _mm_set_ps(5,6,7,8);

__m256 c = _mm256_castps128_ps256(a);
c = _mm256_insertf128_ps(c,b,1);

If the order is reversed from what you want, then just switch a and b.

The intrinsic of interest is _mm256_insertf128_ps which will let you insert a 128-bit register into either lower or upper half of a 256-bit AVX register:

The complete family of them is here:

  • _mm256_insertf128_pd()
  • _mm256_insertf128_ps()
  • _mm256_insertf128_si256()





