How to clear some fields in form - Redux-Form

Using the below, it clears the respective multiple fields and also clears the errors if any for those respective fields.

Common function to reset multiple fields.

import {change, untouch} from 'redux-form';

//reset the respective fields's value with the error if any
resetFields = (formName, fieldsObj) => {
      Object.keys(fieldsObj).forEach(fieldKey => {

          //reset the field's value
          this.props.dispatch(change(formName, fieldKey, fieldsObj[fieldKey]));

          //reset the field's error
          this.props.dispatch(untouch(formName, fieldKey));


Use the above common function as,

this.resetFields('userDetails', {
    firstName: '',
    lastName: '',
    dateOfBirth: ''

This worked for me:

        const fields = ['my','fields','do','reset','properly']
        for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {