How to clear File Input

for React users = ""

But if the file input element is triggered by a different element (with a htmlFor attribute) - that will mean u don't have the event

So you could use a ref:

at beginning of func:

const inputRef = React.useRef();

on input element

<input type="file" ref={inputRef} />

and then on an onClick function (for example) u may write

inputRef.current.value = "" 
  • in React Classes - same idea, but difference in constructor: this.inputRef = React.createRef()

Clear file input with jQuery


Clear file input with JavaScript

document.getElementById("fileInputId").value = null;

This is the method I like to use as well but I believe you need to add the bool true parameter to the clone method in order for any events to remain attached with the new object and you need to clear the contents.

    var input = $("#fileInput");

    function clearInput() {
        input = input.val('').clone(true);

This should work:

$imageClear.on('click', function() { 

