How to check whether multiple values exist within an Javascript array

I noticed that the question is about solving this with jQuery, but if anyone else who is not limited to jQuery comes around then there is a simple solution using underscore js.

Using underscore js you can do:

_.intersection(ArrayA, ArrayB).length === ArrayA.length;

From the docs:

intersection_.intersection(*arrays) Computes the list of values that are the intersection of all the arrays. Each value in the result is present in each of the arrays.

_.intersection([1, 2, 3], [101, 2, 1, 10], [2, 1]); => [1, 2]

Ergo, if one of the items in ArrayA was missing in ArrayB, then the intersection would be shorter than ArrayA.

A one-liner to test that all of the elements in arr1 exist in arr2...

With es6:

var containsAll = arr1.every(i => arr2.includes(i));

Without es6:

var containsAll = arr1.every(function (i) { return arr2.includes(i); });

function containsAll(needles, haystack){ 
  for(var i = 0; i < needles.length; i++){
     if($.inArray(needles[i], haystack) == -1) return false;
  return true;

containsAll([34, 78, 89], [78, 67, 34, 99, 56, 89]); // true
containsAll([34, 78, 89], [78, 67, 99, 56, 89]); // false
containsAll([34, 78, 89], [78, 89]); // false

Native JavaScript solution

var success = array_a.every(function(val) {
    return array_b.indexOf(val) !== -1;

You'll need compatibility patches for every and indexOf if you're supporting older browsers, including IE8.

  • Compatibility patch from MDN for .every().
  • Compatibility patch from MDN for .indexOf().

Full jQuery solution

var success = $.grep(array_a, function(v,i) {
    return $.inArray(v, array_b) !== -1;
}).length === array_a.length;

Uses $.grep with $.inArray.

ES2015 Solution

The native solution above can be shortened using ES2015's arrow function syntax and its .includes() method:

let success = array_a.every((val) => array_b.includes(val))