How to check the partition alignment on an SSD drive?

Just run "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo.exe", go to "Components > Storage > Disks" and find "Partition Starting Offset". It will be in bytes, divide the number by 512 to convert into sectors. On my SSD it is 1Mb (1 048 576 bytes), but as far as i know, 128k is enough.

On x64 you need to run msinfo32

In Windows XP:

> diskpart -i <disk number>

should show HiddenSectors divisible by 64 and StartingOffest divisible by 32768

In Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10:

> E:\Home>wmic partition get BlockSize, StartingOffset, Name, Index
BlockSize Index Name StartingOffset
512 0 Disk #1, Partition #0 1048576
512 1 Disk #1, Partition #1 53688139776

You are right, but it does not work like that on Windows XP. There you can use diskpart:

diskpart -i (number of your ssd)

And you'll get geometry information and disk partition information.

I hope this helps.