how to check the actual DOM node using react enzyme

You can use wrapper.getDOMNode()

Enzyme docs

Perhaps you are looking for enzyme's instance()?

const wrapper = mount(<input type="text" defaultValue="hello"/>)
console.log(wrapper.instance().value); // 'hello'


instance() should give you a ReactComponent, from which you can use ReactDOM.findDOMNode(ReactComponent) to get a DOMNode. However, when I did that, like the following, it was the exact same object as wrapper.instance():

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
const wrapper = mount(<input type="text" defaultValue="sup"/>)
console.log(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(wrapper.instance()) == wrapper.instance()) // true

I don't understand why that is. If you console.log() either one of those, you'll see a HTMLInputElement, but it will contain lots of non-native DOM node looking stuff:

HTMLInputElement {
   ReactDOMComponent {
      { '$$typeof': Symbol(react.element),
        type: 'input',
        key: null,
        ref: null,
        props: [Object],
        _owner: [Object],
        _store: {} },

I ran into this same problem. In my case, I was testing something built with react-aria-modal, which renders the overlay div in a different part of the DOM than the initial element rendered with mount(). In order to test that this renders properly, I needed to look more globally at the DOM. For this, I used the attachTo option of render() to ensure that my test DOM looks like it should in a real browser. Here is a good general description of the technique from the docs.

Depending on what you need, you can use Tyler Collier's approach for more local parts of the DOM (findDOMNode using instance()) or mine for a more global view.

Here's a sample spec for my use case, showing how to setup/use/teardown the mock DOM:

import MyModalComponent from '../components/my-modal-component'
import React from 'react'
import { jsdom } from 'jsdom'
import { mount } from 'enzyme'

describe('<MyModalComponent /> Component', function(){

  let wrapper

    window.document = jsdom('')

    window.document = jsdom('')

  it('renders the modal closed by default', () => {
    wrapper = mount(
      <MyModalComponent prop1={"foo"}
      />, { attachTo: document.body.firstChild }
    expect(wrapper.html()).to.contain('Content in component')
    expect(document.body.innerHTML).to.not.contain('Content in overlay')
