How to check if one record is attached to another?

Try instead:


Presuming $student contains an instance of the Student model you can simplify it further and just use:


When you add parentheses you're using the Laravel query builder, and you never completed the query. To do it in the manner you had originally you would need:


This method could be useful if you wanted to add constraints when fetching your students.

But generally you can omit the parentheses and a Collection will be returned, allowing you to use methods like contains.

This has the additional benefit of not re-querying the database once the relationship is loaded, so will generally be a far more efficient means of fetching relationships.

If you haven't already loaded the students and want a database efficient method of checking you could instead use:

$seminar->students()->where('', $student->id)->exists();

In your case the exception is you are calling 'contains()' function (which is for Laravel Collection) on 'Query Builder'. It should be


but this is inefficient since this will retrieve all the students of the seminar.

so instead,

$seminar->students()->wherePivot('student_id', $student->id)->exists();

this method will check in the intermediate table of many to many relationship for particular seminar-student pair, and will return whether exists or not.