How to check if object is in Mobx observable array?

Regarding the doc: isObservableArray

Returns true if the given object is an array that was made observable using mobx.observable(array).

So to know if data is in an observable favorites array:

// If data is a primitive
className={`btn-group ${mobx.isObservableArray( && > -1 ? 'success' : 'info'}`}

// Id data is an object it is a little more verbose and coupled to your data
// structure. You have to use the `find` function to iterate and test if an 
// element in the array has the same id.
className={`btn-group ${mobx.isObservableArray( && !! => === ? 'success' : 'info'}`}

Here is a POC with a function helper:,console

Michel (mobx creator) gave me the hint I needed via the Gitter channel.

I actually needed a shallowly observable array, not a deeply observable one. I don't need each and every property of the objects in the array to be observable (hence all the sets/gets on the object properties I was seeing before), just whether an object is added or removed.

So I changed it from

@observable favorites = []


 @observable favorites = observable.shallowArray();

Ultimately, though @dagatsoin 's answer is right if you need to use a deeply observable array.