How to check a list of all services created by NSSM (non sucking service manager)?

Recently had the very same question, turns out the creator built this functionality in over 3 years ago:

Looks like he was targeting this for the 2.25 release version, so it's missing in most of the documentation on the website and the built-in help.. but if you are running a more recent 2.24 pre-release, just nssm list gets it done.

Every service added through NSSM, points to nssm.exe in the "Path to executable". You can see this in the Services MMC snap-in by right-clicking a service and choosing "Properties".

Run the following in Powershell to get a list of all services with "nssm" in the PathName (Based off this answer:

Get-WmiObject win32_service | ?{$_.PathName -like '*nssm*'} | select Name, DisplayName, State, PathName