How to change the style of a Ant-Design 'Select' component?

For my form with Select element a have some code in render:

const stateTasksOptions = =>
        <Select.Option key={} value={} title={<span className={`${}Label`}>{item.title}</span>}>
            <span className={`${}Label`}>{item.title}</span> - <span class="normal-text">{}</span>

return (
        value={ => d)}

And some css for colorizing.

Result: enter image description here

From their official docs

Override the component style Because of the special needs of the project, we often meet the need to cover the component style, here is a simple example.

Antd Select In multi-select state, the default will show all the select items, here we add a limit height for display scroll bar when the content beyond this height.

// TestPage.ts
import { Select } from 'antd';
import styles from './TestPage.less';
const Option = Select.Option;

const children = [];
for (let i = 10; i < 36; i++) {
  children.push(<Option key={i.toString(36) + i}>{i.toString(36) + i}</Option>);

    style={{ width: 300 }}
    placeholder="Please select"
/* TestPage.less */
.customSelect {
  :global {
    .ant-select-selection {
      max-height: 51px;
      overflow: auto;

Two points need to be noted:

The imported antd component class name is not translated by CSS Modules, so the overridden class name .ant-select-selection must be put in :global. Because of the previous note, the override is global. To avoid affecting other Select components, the setting needs to be wrapped by an extra classname to add range restriction

Try dropdownStyle instead of style.

 dropdownStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'green' }}>
   // Options...

dropdownStyle is one of select props.

reference: antd select

<Select> renders a whole set of <div>s, you need to take a look at the resulting HTML element tree to understand what you are doing. You can't do it through the style attribute, you need to do it in CSS.

The proper place to attach a background color is

.ant-select-selection {
  background-color: green;

This will make all your selects green. Give them individual classNames if you want different colors for different selects.



