How to change status of JsonResponse in Django

JsonResponse normally returns HTTP 200, which is the status code for 'OK'. In order to indicate an error, you can add an HTTP status code to JsonResponse as it is a subclass of HttpResponse:

response = JsonResponse({'status':'false','message':message}, status=500)

Return an actual status

JsonResponse(status=404, data={'status':'false','message':message})

Python built-in http library has new class called HTTPStatus which is come from Python 3.5 onward. You can use it when define a status.

from http import HTTPStatus
response = JsonResponse({'status':'false','message':message}, status=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

The value of HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value is 500. When someone read your code it's better define someting like HTTPStatus.<STATUS_NAME> other than define an integer value like 500. You can view all the IANA-registered status codes from python library here.