How to change python version in Anaconda?

Sometime command is not working as expected I was also facing same issue when I used this command.

conda install python=<version> 

then I have changed the Python version with the help of anaconda Navigator. I have create new enviornment and follow below instruction=>

  1. In Navigator, click the Environments tab, then click the Create button. The Create new environment dialog box appears.
  2. In the Environment name field, type a descriptive name for your environment.

3.In the Packages list select “Python” and in the Python version list select the version you want to use.

4.Click the Create button.

5.Navigator creates the new environment and activates it, as shown by the highlighted green bar. All actions take place in the active environment.

for more details please go through this link =>

A better (recommended) alternative is to create a virtual environment of the desired Python version and then use that environment to run Tensorflow and other scripts.

To do that, you can follow the instructions given here.

BUT, if you don't want to create a separate environment, then conda install python=<version> should do.

OR (not recommended) you can download the "latest" Anaconda installer with your required Python version bundled.
