How to change multiple properties of a state in react (at the same time)?

Its okay to call multiple setStates since React internally does batching before setState and hence will only call render once. That said, the chances of you making a mistake in writing setState such that batching ignores a change or sets incorrect value are high(for instance you may call setState twice for the same key based on the previous value and might expect a result different from what you get). Hence its recommended that you call setState once after processing all the values

    // Add card to active player
    let playersClone = [...players];
    playersClone[activePlayer].cards = [

    // Add any offered chips to active player
    playersClone[activePlayer].remainingChips += offeredChips;

    const playableCards = playableCards.filter(function(card) {
            return card !== openedCard;

    // Change active player
    const nextPlayer = activePlayer === 0 ? 1 : 0;

    // Reset offered chips to 0
    // Reset opened card
    // Remove card from deck
          openedCard: null,
          offeredChips: 0, 
          players: playersClone
    }, () =>

you can change multiple properties of a state like this.

this.setState({ openedCard: null, offeredChips: 0, activePlayer: nextPlayer });