How to Change Font Family for textInput Placeholder in React Native

Try this :

    secureTextEntry={( <= 0 && this.state.emailStatus != 'onFocus') ? true : false}
    onFocus={this.changeStatus.bind(this, 'emailStatus', 'onFocus', '')}
    onChangeText={(email) => this.setState({ email })}
    placeholderTextColor="#D8D8D8" />

Exactly this line => secureTextEntry={(<=0 && this.state.emailStatus!='onFocus') ?true:false} solves the problem .

Because if we give secureTextEntry={true} means fontfamily is set to placeholder text but field changed as password , so for that only we wrote like this . secureTextEntry={(<=0 && this.state.emailStatus!='onFocus') ?true:false}

If that field length is 0 and not focused means it will set true secureTextEntry={true} so the placeholder text is set to mentioned fontfamily

The way I solved this was to conditionally style the fontFamily (or style) on the presence or absence of the value i.e.

  style={{ fontFamily: value ? 'OpenSans-Regular' : 'OpenSans-Italic' }}

This way the font family is italic for the placeholder (when value === '') and regular when text is shown.

Above is not tested as I was using styled components but concept should be the same. Also this only works if TextInput is rendered as a controlled component so you have access to value.