How to change bower's default components folder?

Create a Bower configuration file .bowerrc in the project root (as opposed to your home directory) with the content:

  "directory" : "public/components"

Run bower install again.

In addition to editing .bowerrc to setup your default install path, you can also setup custom install paths for different file types.

There is a node package called bower-installer that provides a single command for managing alternate install paths.

run npm install -g bower-installer

Set up your bower.json

  "name" : "test",
  "version": "0.1",
  "dependencies" : {
    "jquery-ui" : "latest"
  "install" : {
    "path" : {
      "css": "src/css",
      "js": "src/js"
    "sources" : {
      "jquery-ui" : [

Run the following command: bower-installer

This will install components/jquery-ui/themes/start/jquery-ui.css to ./src/css, etc

I had the same issue on my windows 10. This is what fixed my problem

  1. Delete bower_components in your root folder
  2. Create a .bowerrc file in the root
  3. In the file write this code {"directory" : "public/bower_components"}
  4. Run a bower install

You should see bower_components folder in your public folder now


