How to change Android version and code version number?

Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S in android studio or go to File > Project Structure...

Select app on left side and select Flavors tab on right side on default config change version code, name and etc... enter image description here

The easiest way to set the version in Android Studio:

1. Press SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+S (or File -> Project Structure -> app)

Android Studio < 3.4:

  1. Choose tab 'Flavors'
  2. The last two fields are 'Version Code' and 'Version Name'

Android Studio >= 3.4:

  1. Choose 'Modules' in the left panel.
  2. Choose 'app' in middle panel.
  3. Choose 'Default Config' tab in the right panel.
  4. Scroll down to see and edit 'Version Code' and 'Version Name' fields.

You can define your versionName and versionCode in your module's build.gradle file like this :

android {
    compileSdkVersion 19
    buildToolsVersion "19.0.1"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 8
        targetSdkVersion 19
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
    .... //Other Configuration

Go in the build.gradle and set the version code and name inside the defaultConfig element

defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 9
    targetSdkVersion 19
    versionCode 1
    versionName "1.0"
