How to center the text in the equation environment?

You can use an array.

\documentclass[12 pt,handout,notheorems]{beamer}
\pgfpagesuselayout{resize to}[a4paper,landscape]
\usefonttheme{professionalfonts} %To get the accents aligned correctly, albeit in Computer Modern Roman
        In conclusion,
            \item For minimum-time problems:
                    \text{System is controllable}\\
                    \text{with respect to }u_i
                \iff \text{Singular arcs do not exist.}
            \item For minimum-time-fuel problems (also applies for minimum-fuel problems):
                    \text{System is not controllable}\\
                    \text{with respect to }u_i\\
                    \det\left(A\right) = 0
                \implies \text{Singular arcs exist.}
        In conclusion,
            \item For minimum-time problems:
                    \text{System is controllable}\\
                    \text{with respect to }u_i
                \iff \text{Singular arcs do not exist.}
            \item For minimum-time-fuel problems (also applies for minimum-fuel problems):
                    \text{System is not controllable}\\
                    \text{with respect to }u_i\\
                    \det\left(A\right) = 0
                \implies \text{Singular arcs exist.}

enter image description here

enter image description here

You could replace the aligned environments with gathered environments -- and remove the & alignment points. The main difference to an array-based solution is that the contents are typeset in display-math mode by default, which implies a slight increase in line spacing.

enter image description here

\pgfpagesuselayout{resize to}[a4paper,landscape]
\usepackage{amsmath} % for 'gathered' environment

        In conclusion,
            \item For minimum-time problems:
                    \text{System is controllable}\\
                    \text{with respect to $u_i$}
                \iff \text{Singular arcs do not exist.}
            \item For minimum-time-fuel problems (also applies for minimum-fuel problems):
                    \text{System is not controllable}\\
                    \text{with respect to $u_i$, or}\\
                    \det\left(A\right) = 0
                \implies \text{Singular arcs exist.}

You could use a \parbox, although you will need to specify a width. I used \widthof from the calc package, but you don't have to be that precise. Note that \parbox takes you out of math mode.

\documentclass[12 pt,handout,notheorems]{beamer}
\pgfpagesuselayout{resize to}[a4paper,landscape]
\usefonttheme{professionalfonts} %To get the accents aligned correctly, albeit in Computer Modern Roman
        In conclusion,
            \item For minimum-time problems:
                \parbox{\widthof{System is controllable}}{\centering
                    System is controllable with respect to $u_i$}
                \iff \text{Singular arcs do not exist.}
            \item For minimum-time-fuel problems (also applies for minimum-fuel problems):
                \parbox{\widthof{System is not controllable}}{\centering
                    System is not controllable with respect to $u_i$ or
                    $\det\left(A\right) = 0$}
                \implies \text{Singular arcs exist.}