How to calculate the elder generation’ maximum education year in one family

Here is what I tried. I thought it was necessary to create a generation variable. Seeing the sample image in your question, C and D are the 1st generation. A and B are the 2nd generation. E and F are the 3rd generation, and G is the 4th generation. The first mutate() with case_when() created the generation variable. Then, I defined groups by family and generation. For each group, I identified max education duration (i.e., max_ed_duration). Since you said that you do not need spouse's information, I dropped rows that contain mother or spouse in meanings. Then, I defined groups again using family. For each family, if generation is 1, assign NA to fedu. Otherwise, assign max_ed_duration value from the previous generation to fedu. Finally, I arranged the data by family and relationship.


mutate(mydf, generation = case_when(relationship %in% c("C", "D") ~ 1,
                                    relationship %in% c("A", "B") ~ 2,
                                    grepl(x = relationship, pattern = "^E|F") ~ 3,
                                    grepl(x = relationship, pattern = "^G") ~ 4)) %>% 
  group_by(family, generation) %>% 
  mutate(max_ed_duration = max(edu)) %>% 
  filter(!grepl(x = meanings, pattern = "mother|spouse")) %>% 
  group_by(family) %>%
  mutate(fedu = if_else(generation == 1,
                        max_ed_duration[match(x = generation - 1, table = generation)])) %>% 
  arrange(family, relationship)

#   family relationship meanings          edu generation max_ed_duration  fedu
#    <dbl> <chr>        <chr>           <dbl>      <dbl>           <dbl> <dbl>
# 1      1 A            respondent         12          2              18    10
# 2      1 C            A's father         10          1              10    NA
# 3      1 E1           A's first son      15          3              15    18
# 4      1 E2           A's second son     13          3              15    18
# 5      1 G11          E1's first son      3          4               3    15
# 6      1 G12          E1's second son     1          4               3    15
# 7      2 A            respondent         21          2              21    16
# 8      2 C            A's father         12          1              16    NA
# 9      2 E1           A's first son      18          3              18    21
#10      2 E2           A's second son     17          3              18    21
#11      2 E3           A's third son      16          3              18    21


mydf <- structure(list(family = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 
2, 2, 2, 2, 2), relationship = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E1", "F1", 
"G11", "G12", "E2", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E1", "F1", "E2", "E3"
), meanings = c("respondent", "respondent's spouse", "A's father", 
"A's mother", "A's first son", "E1's spouse", "E1's first son", 
"E1's second son", "A's second son", "respondent", "respondent's spouse", 
"A's father", "A's mother", "A's first son", "E1's spouse", "A's second son", 
"A's third son"), edu = c(12, 18, 10, 9, 15, 14, 3, 1, 13, 21, 
16, 12, 16, 18, 15, 17, 16)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

Here is an option using data.table.

Due to the nature of the dataset, quite a fair bit of data processing is required to restructure it into a parent-child relationship with its corresponding maximum number of years among parents' years of educations.

data processing:


#interpret the person mentioned in meanings column
d[, person := sapply(meanings, function(x) strsplit(x, "'")[[1]][1])]
d[person=="respondent", person :=
    d[meanings=="respondent"][.SD,  on=.(family), relationship]]

#find max edu per couple
d[, max_edu := d[grepl("spouse", meanings)][
    .SD, on=.(family, person=relationship), pmax(,, na.rm=TRUE)]

#decipher parent and child relationship
cols <- c("parent", "child")
d[, (cols) := .(NA_character_, relationship)]
d[grepl("father|mother", meanings), (cols) := .(relationship, person)][
    grepl("son", meanings), (cols) := .(person, relationship)]

#find parents' max edu
d[!, parent_max_edu :=
    d[.SD, on=.(family, relationship=parent), x.max_edu]

#the last 3 columns are the useful ones
#     family relationship            meanings edu person max_edu parent child parent_max_edu
#  1:      1            A          respondent  12      A      18   <NA>     A             NA
#  2:      1            B respondent's spouse  18      A      18   <NA>     B             NA
#  3:      1            C          A's father  10      A      10      C     A             10
#  4:      1            D          A's mother   9      A       9      D     A              9
#  5:      1           E1       A's first son  15      A      15      A    E1             18
#  6:      1           F1         E1's spouse  14     E1      14   <NA>    F1             NA
#  7:      1          G11      E1's first son   3     E1       3     E1   G11             15
#  8:      1          G12     E1's second son   1     E1       1     E1   G12             15
#  9:      1           E2      A's second son  13      A      13      A    E2             18
# 10:      2            A          respondent  21      A      21   <NA>     A             NA
# 11:      2            B respondent's spouse  16      A      16   <NA>     B             NA
# 12:      2            C          A's father  12      A      12      C     A             12
# 13:      2            D          A's mother  16      A      16      D     A             16
# 14:      2           E1       A's first son  18      A      18      A    E1             21
# 15:      2           F1         E1's spouse  15     E1      15   <NA>    F1             NA
# 16:      2           E2      A's second son  17      A      17      A    E2             21
# 17:      2           E3       A's third son  16      A      16      A    E3             21

finding max num of yrs of education of parents:

ans <- d[d[!grepl("spouse", meanings)], on=.(family, child=relationship),
    by=.EACHI, .(, id=i.relationship,,
        fedu=if (any(! max(parent_max_edu, na.rm=TRUE) else NA_real_)][,
            (1L:2L) := NULL]
setorder(ans, family, id)[]


    family  id edu fedu
 1:      1   A  12   10
 2:      1   C  10   NA
 3:      1   D   9   NA
 4:      1  E1  15   18
 5:      1  E2  13   18
 6:      1 G11   3   15
 7:      1 G12   1   15
 8:      2   A  21   16
 9:      2   C  12   NA
10:      2   D  16   NA
11:      2  E1  18   21
12:      2  E2  17   21
13:      2  E3  16   21