How to calculate the area of ellipse drawn by ggplot2?

You can calculate the area of the ellipse by finding its semi-major and semi-minor axes (as shown in this SO answer):

# Plot object
p = ggplot (data, aes (x = x, y = y))+
  stat_ellipse(segments=201) # Default is 51. We use a finer grid for more accurate area.

# Get ellipse coordinates from plot
pb = ggplot_build(p)
el = pb$data[[2]][c("x","y")]

# Center of ellipse
ctr = MASS::cov.trob(el)$center  # Per @Roland's comment

# Calculate distance to center from each point on the ellipse
dist2center <- sqrt(rowSums((t(t(el)-ctr))^2))

# Calculate area of ellipse from semi-major and semi-minor axes. 
# These are, respectively, the largest and smallest values of dist2center. 

[1] 13.82067




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