How to break out from a fold function in haskell when the accumulator met a certain condition?

One of the options would be using scanl function, which returns a list of intermediate calculations of foldl.

Thus, scanl1 (+) (map someFunction myList) will return the intermediate sums of your calculations. And since Haskell is a lazy language it won't calculate all the values of myList until you need it. For example:

take 5 $ scanl1 (+) (map someFunction myList)

will calculate someFunction 5 times and return the list of these 5 results.

After that you can use either takeWhile or dropWhile and stop the calculation, when a certain condition is True. For example:

head $ dropWhile (< 1000) $ scanl1 (+) [1..1000000000]

will stop the calculation, when sum of the numbers reaches 1000 and returns 1035.

Another technique is to use a foldM with Either to capture the early termination effect. Left signals early termination.

import Control.Monad(foldM)

sumSome :: (Num n,Ord n) => n -> [n] -> Either n n
sumSome thresh = foldM f 0
    f a n 
      | a >= thresh = Left a
      | otherwise   = Right (a+n)

To ignore the exit condition, just compose with either id id.

sumSome' :: (Num n,Ord n) => n -> [n] -> n
sumSome' n = either id id . sumSome n

Use a bounded addition operator instead of (+) with foldl.

foldl (\b a -> b + if b > someThreshold then 0 else a) 0 (map someFunction myList)

Because Haskell is non-strict, only calls to someFunction that are necessary to evaluate the if-then-else are themselves evaluated. fold still traverses the entire list.

> foldl (\b a -> b + if b > 10 then 0 else a) 0 (map (trace "foo") [1..20])

sum [1..5] > 10, and you can see that trace "foo" only executes 5 times, not 20.

Instead of foldl, though, you should use the strict version foldl' from Data.Foldable.