How to avoid UPDATE statement locking out the entire table when updating large number of records

Try to update in batches.

DECLARE @Batch INT = 1000
DECLARE @Rowcount INT = @Batch

WHILE @Rowcount > 0
        ;WITH CTE AS 
            SELECT TOP (@Batch) NewColumn,OldColumn 
            FROM SomeTable 
            WHERE NewColumn <> OldColumn
                  OR (NewColumn IS NULL AND OldColumn IS NOT NULL)
        UPDATE cte
            SET NewColumn = OldColumn;
        SET @Rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT

I took @pacreely's approach (see his answer on this question) of updating in batches and created a variation. I added the (rowlock) hint tell SQL server to keep the locks at row level.

See for details. Also note, that you cannot use order by when using top in update, insert, merge, delete statement so the referenced rows are not arranged in any order.

declare @BatchSize  int = 1000
declare @RowCount   int = @BatchSize

while @RowCount > 0
    update top (@BatchSize) SomeTable with (rowlock)
    set NewColumn = OldColumn
        NewColumn <> OldColumn      or
            NewColumn is null       and
            OldColumn is not null
    select @RowCount = @@rowcount